Enjoy staying at one of our premier vacation rental properties featuring romantic studios for two, beautiful waterfront homes and family friendly accommodations.

Learn about our exclusive chef services, charcuterie board & wine delivery, guided hikes, chartered cruises, kayak rentals, live music, local events and where to get your oysters!

Visit Hardware Distillery in Hoodsport followed by a trip to Hama Hama Oyster Company to sample fresh Hood Canal oysters in a private waterfront shelter. Finish your trip with port and locally made chocolate truffles at Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop.

Travelin' Red is busily working with MEstitches featuring fun Hood Canal bags and hoodies. We love this crab design plus cool Traveler and Hoodsquatch hoodies! Just in time before spring arrives! #travelinred #newmerch
© 2023 by Be The Traveler Concierge
& Hood Canal Events